Wednesday, August 27, 2008


What happens to Andy and Red?
They become friends as both of them have been sentenced to life.

What do we learn from Andy and Reds characters introduction to Shawshank?
Red is a man who can get things. Andy is smart and intelligent, good with numbers.

What do we learn of the nature of the prison? Give examples
Rough, do what you have to do to stay alive; you will be punished if you do/say anything wrong or out of place. ‘Fatty’ is beaten to a pulp as he doesn’t stop crying.

What does Andy endure in the first few years?
Andy doesn’t really bond with anyone, he sticks to himself and doesn’t do anything wrong. He is chased down be the sisters and is raped. He is also scared of the guards and finds a way to become friends with them so he does there tax rebate.

What does the library represent to Andy?
Each week Andy would send off letters asking for money and second hand books for the prison library as Brooks kills himself when he is released from prison. Andy took over the library and made it for Brooks. He didn’t receive anything for two years and after a while he gets some books, he finds hope to keep doing it. He wants to help people learn and get them to pass school so when they do leave that they can get a good job.

Identify a scene were music is important
Music is important in this scene as he plays music and locks himself in the room and plays it over the loud speaker for all to hear, but in his actions he is treated to the hole.

Timeline, will be updated

- Andy is framed in court
- Andy is taken to Shawshank prison
- We meet Red as he bets on who will be the first to break down in the prison.
- They meet warden and chief guard
- He gets his new clothes and a wash down
- ‘fatty’ gets bashed as he doesn’t stop crying
- Has breakfast by himself
- Bug asks if he needs a friend when they are in the showers together
- Andy first talks to Red and asks for a rock hammer
- Red warns Andy about sisters
- Andy gets raped by men
- Andy gets rock hammer
- Andy bargains with guards for suds with his co-workers
- Andy and co-workers chill on the roof with suds
- Andy asks for Rita Haywood
- Andy gets beaten up because he won’t do as bugs asks
- Bugs gets sent to the hole
- When bugs gets out of the whole he is beaten by guards and is paralyzed


Shawshank Redemption

I found that the library was a turning point in this movie as Andy was able to change the how he and others were treated in Shawshank. When he was sent to go work with brooks in the library, but both had no idea why Andy was there. Andy would help out Brooks with his runs but one day things changed as he told a prison guard how he wouldn’t loss all the money he inherited. Andy was nearly thrown of the roof for asking and suggestion such an idea, so after Andy was doing tax returns for all of the prison guards and others from other prisons in football season. Andy took control on how was treated in Shawshank as everyone was relying on him to do the taxes. Soon after he was doing taxes for the warden and the prison, which was a massive surprise. Brooks was let out of prison after spending his whole life in prison; once he was released he struggled to survive on the outside so he committed suicide. Andy felt as a friend of brooks he needed to do something to remember him. Andy started writing a letter a week to the board of prisons asking for money to do up the prison library and get new books. After two years he got a letter back with a box of books and two hundred dollars for them to spruce up the library. He said that he would start writing two letters a week now and after a while he got the funds to do up the library, so he and Red rebuilt up the library for Brooks. There were new books and magazines for prisoners to get there school education and Andy would tutor them. Andy knew this was the right thing to do as brooks spent his whole life in there and the library meant everything to him. They named the library after brooks.

Mans deliverance from sin and damnation. the act or and instance of being redeemed

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


To whom it may concern.
I would like to apply for the job of front desk reception at you hotel. My name is Daniel Smith and am very enthaustic about this position.
I enjoy working with people and I have strengths when organising people. I am confident with my skills when under pressure and if placed in unorthodox situations, and also completing any tasks at hand. I have a good sense of humour and get along with others. I have the ability to encourage and enthaucasticily motivate others. I have the ability of creating appropriate social relationships with other employees.
Looking forward to hearing you soon.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Essay Topic

Essay Topic.
How is the rising cost of living affecting teenager today?
The rising costs today are affecting teenagers as the purchasing of general costs is getting more expensive. Such as home costs, power, water and food. Also the rent of the house. So this stops them from moving out. There having to get jobs to afford costs of a car and leisure.

The rising costs don’t just affect teenagers but also parents as they must help the teenagers. So teenagers are getting part time jobs so they can afford cost for themselves and supporting them, to go out with mates. So they are being forced to stay at home longer which puts up living costs of the home. This is putting more pressure on the parents to get higher paying jobs to afford costs.

For teenagers to move out they would need to have a high paying jobs to pay for living costs such as water, power and food, but also rent. Now days we get payed weekly and what you earned cannot pay for the cost of all these expenses. So this causing people to flat. But sometimes this is not the right move as someone won’t be able to pay and then they will be in trouble. The average cost for rent power, water and food for one would be roughly 400 dollars a week also the y would have petrol too.

When wanting to go to college or university the costs for this would be expensive as they all get college loans and then forcing them to stay at home. This making pressure for teens to try and find jobs to accommodate there school hours and leisure. But this putting them behind in the future too as the money they earn goes towards the loan and the area they have studied most people don’t stay in their studied career.

The costs of the living for teenagers are hard on them, such as the day to day living and luxuries. The pressure for them is harder too.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hello, My Friend

I destroy homes. I tear families apart.
I take children and that’s just a start.
I’m more valued than diamonds, more precious than gold.
The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.
If you need me, remember, I’m easily found.
I live all around you, in school and in town.
I live with the rich, I live with the poor.
I live just down the street, and maybe next door.
I’m made in a lab, but not one like you think.
I can be made under the kitchen sink, or in your
Child’s closet, even out in the woods.
If this scares you to death, it certainly should.
I have many names, but there’s one you’ll know best.
I’m sure you’ve heard of me. My name’s Crystal Meth.
My power is awesome. Try me. You’ll see.
But if you do, you may never break free.
Just try me once, I might let you go.
Try me twice and I’ll own your soul.
When I possess you, you’ll steal and you’ll lie.
You’ll do what you have to, just to get high.
The crimes you’ll commit for my narcotic charms
Will be worth the pleasure you’ll feel in my arms.
You’ll lie to your mother, you’ll steal from your dad.
When you see their tear, you must not feel sad.
Just forget your morals, and how you were raised.
I’ll be your conscience. I’ll teach you my ways.
I take kids from parents. I take parents from kids.
I turn people from God. I separate friends.
I’ll take everything from you, even your good looks and
Pride. I’ll be with you always, right by your side.
You’ll give up everything. Your family, your home.
Your money, your friends, you’ll be all alone.
I’ll take and I’ll take till you’ve no more to give.
When I finish with you, you’ll be lucky to live.
If you try me, be warned. THIS IS NOT A GAME.
If I’m given the chance, I’ll drive you insane.
I’ll ravage your body. I’ll control your mind.
I’ll own you completely. Your soul will be MINE.
The nightmares I’ll five you when you’re lying in bed,
And the voices you hear from inside your head.
The shakes, the sweats, and the visions you’ll see.
I want you to know, these are your gifts from me.
By then it’s too late, and you’ll know in your heart,
That you are now mine, and we shall not part.
You’ll regret that you tried me. They always do.
But you came to me. Not I to you.
You knew this would happen. How many times were you told?
But you challenged my power. You chose to be bold.
You could have said “no” and just walked away.
If you could live over, now what would you say?
My power is awesome, as I told you before.
I can take your mother and turn her into a whore.
I’ll be your master, you’ll do as I say,
Even when I tell you to go to your grave.
Now that you’ve met me, what will you do?
Will you try me or not? It’s all up to you.
I can show you more misery than words can tell.
Come, take my hand. Let me lead you to hell.

My Comments-

She/he directed it to the ‘Joe public’ because that who are being influenced by the drugs. People who are struggling through life and may use drugs once and will allow them to relax or distress them, but it will control them completely.
This poem is about what happens when you take it and how it affects you and your like. What emotional effects it has on you too. The physical effects are also strong.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Bali Trip
Well this place was as hot as the sun, but the humidity was outrageous you would go outside you room and you would feel heavy like you were carrying someone everything got heavy and sticky, similar to a lollipop but is was wet, water running down you slowly and softly. This picture was with the National Balinese Police Force or for short MP (military Police).But all I know was they had these massive guns stuck hard up against their body, held up there with brut force. Which didn’t matter what they were called, you didn’t look at them and they didn’t look at you. Because these 100 tonne metal weights were locked and loaded, I’m sure they weren’t with paint ball bullets. But the air around me was as dirty muggy thick, close to feeling claustrophobic or someone breathing down on you. The streets turned into markets with vibrant colours with the clothes for sale and the ladies grabbing you with full force, like your being sucked into a rip on a beach and there’s no way out.